


논문 기본정보

자연광 기반 적층형 식물공장의 열환경에 대한 수치해석 연구

논문 개요
기관명 NDSL
저널명 生態環境建築 = Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment
ISSN 1598-3730,2288-4823

논문 개요

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보
저자(한글) 박동윤,장성택,장성주
간행물 번호
빌행연도 2013-01-01
초록 Recent researches on plant factory system deal with the convergence of lighting technology, agricultural technology inclusive to the high-tech industries worldwide in order to respond to the decreasing crop harvest due to global warming and abnormal weather phenomena. However, the fundamental performance standard is not currently being introduced in the case of plants factory and its commercialization is not activated because of high initial investment and operating cost. Large portion of the initial investment and operating cost of a plant factory is ascribed to artificial light sources and thermal control facilities, therefore, innovation should be provided in order to improve the economics of the plant factory. As an alternative, new plant factory could harness solar thermal and geothermal systems for heating, cooling and ventilation. In this study, a natural light dependent multi-layer plant factory's thermal environment was analyzed with two-dimensional numerical methods to elicit efficient operation conditions for optimized internal physical environment. Depending on the supply air temperature and airflow rate introduced in the facility, the temperature changes around the crops was interpreted. Since the air supplied into the plant factory does not stay long enough, the ambient temperature predicted around the plating trays was not significantly different from that of the supplied air. However, the changes of airflow rate and air flow pattern could cause difference to the temperature around the planting trays. Increasing the amount of time of air staying around the planting trays could improve energy performance in case the thermal environment of a natural light based multi-layer plant factory is considered.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO201301369227998


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주제어 (키워드) 식물공장 미시기후조절 전산유체역학 태양복사