


논문 기본정보

The OAuth 2.0 Web Authorization Protocol for the Internet Addiction Bioinformatics (IABio) Database

논문 개요
기관명 NDSL
저널명 Genomics informatics
ISSN 1598-866x,2234-0742

논문 개요

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보
저자(한글) Choi, Jeongseok,Kim, Jaekwon,Lee, Dong Kyun,Jang, Kwang Soo,Kim, Dai-Jin,Choi, In Young
간행물 번호
빌행연도 2016-01-01
초록 Internet addiction (IA) has become a widespread and problematic phenomenon as smart devices pervade society. Moreover, internet gaming disorder leads to increases in social expenditures for both individuals and nations alike. Although the prevention and treatment of IA are getting more important, the diagnosis of IA remains problematic. Understanding the neurobiological mechanism of behavioral addictions is essential for the development of specific and effective treatments. Although there are many databases related to other addictions, a database for IA has not been developed yet. In addition, bioinformatics databases, especially genetic databases, require a high level of security and should be designed based on medical information standards. In this respect, our study proposes the OAuth standard protocol for database access authorization. The proposed IA Bioinformatics (IABio) database system is based on internet user authentication, which is a guideline for medical information standards, and uses OAuth 2.0 for access control technology. This study designed and developed the system requirements and configuration. The OAuth 2.0 protocol is expected to establish the security of personal medical information and be applied to genomic research on IA.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO201614138121954


ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드) access control IABio internet addiction internet user authentication OAuth 2.0