


논문 기본정보

생명과학에 대한 여성주의 성찰- 생물학과 생식기술 중심으로 -

논문 개요
기관명 NDSL
저널명 담론201

논문 개요

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보
간행물 번호
빌행연도 2008-01-01
초록 In an effort to search out a way with which bioscience proceeds tobe a base for the healthy and sound life of all beings around the wholeearth rather than falls down into a means of dominating and exploiting theweak, this paper analyzed patriarchal elements innate to biology andreproductive technology. As a result of critically reviewing researchpractices and applications of biological knowledge and technology relatedwith reproduction in terms of feminist empowering, it shows that genderdisparities are marked in position and rank, salary and honorific awards aswell as in educational opportunity in the scientific community. Not onlydo patriarchal factors, such as sexual division of labor, male chauvinistbelief system, male dominant hierarchy and power structure, androcentricworkshop culture, and sexual culture of phallicism, hinder women fromentering into the scientific world, but they also penetrate into theproduction process of biological knowledge and reproductive technology,thus distorting the world of life and misleading its working. First,testosterone determinism and X-chromosome-centered theory check studies on the differentiation of Müllerian ducts into female reproductivesystems, on male hormones generated from ovary, and on properties androles of egg and X-chromosome in developmental biology. Theyfurthermore misrepresent the sexual development between men andwomen. Second, central dogma makes scientists neglect such geneticphenomena as reverse transcriptions, transpositions, and heritablevariations in genetics. Third, male dominance hypothesis leads toreconstruct female-centered animal communities into group structuredominated by males in evolutionary biology and sociobiology. Finally,sexual cultures of phallicism force to develop many sorts of reproductivetechnologies mainly effective in controling women's bodies, and usingwomen as egg producer, childbirth machine, and surrogate mother. Inorder that bioscience may change its direction from colonizing toempowering the social weak and woman, it therefore needs the feministobjectivity of technoscience to value and serve each of all things aroundthe whole earth as a political and spiritual being, far beyond demolishingall form of the boundaries between binary oppositions and emphasizingsocial responsibilities to every result of technoscientific actions in theproduction and application of biological knowledge and reproductivetechnology.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=ATN0009485743


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