


논문 기본정보

황사장기예측자료를 이용한 봄철 황사 발생 예측 특성 분석

논문 개요
기관명 NDSL
저널명 대기 = Atmosphere
ISSN 1598-3560,2288-3266

논문 개요

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보
저자(한글) 강미선,이우정,장필훈,김미경,부경온,국립기상과학원 예보연구부,국립기상과학원 예보연구부,국립기상과학원 예보연구부,국립기상과학원 예보연구부,국립기상과학원 기후연구부
간행물 번호
빌행연도 2022-01-01
초록 This study investigated the prediction skill of the Asian dust seasonal forecasting model (GloSea5-ADAM) on the Asian dust and meteorological variables related to the dust generation for the period of 1991~2016. Additionally, we evaluated the prediction skill of those variables depending on the combination of the initial dates in the sub-seasonal scale for the dust source region affecting South Korea. The Asian dust and meteorological variables (10 m wind speed, 1.5 m relative humidity, and 1.5 m air temperature) from GloSea5-ADAM were compared to that from Synoptic observation and European Centre for medium range weather forecasts reanalysis v5, respectively, based on Mean Bias Error (MBE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Anomaly Correlation Coefficient (ACC) as evaluation criteria. In general, the Asian dust and meteorological variables in the source region showed high ACC in the prediction scale within one month. For all variables, the use of the initial dates closest to the prediction month led to the best performances based on MBE, RMSE, and ACC, and the performances could be improved by adjusting the number of ensembles considering the combination of the initial date. ACC was as high as 0.4 in Spring when using the closest two initial dates. In particular, the GloSea5-ADAM shows the best performance of Asian dust generation with an ACC of 0.60 in the occurrence frequency of Asian dust in March when using the closest initial dates for initial conditions.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO202218753898954


ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드) Asian dust Subseasonal prediction GloSea5-ADAM Hindcast